
Part One: The Imagical World

It is by the River Fore where twin elves dwell, Kilnbrick and Klinker, who have endured there for many an age. They are wee people, very old but with the wisdom of children, little people, spirits of the land born from imagination. They reside in their tiny house made of stones with a sea-grass roof on the small peninsula where the River Fore meets the sea, a place called The Parcel of North.

In the waters surrounding The Parcel of North Klinbrick and Klinker often wade. They frolic with the seals, swim with the fishes and ride the shell backs of sea turtles. They live in harmony with the natural imagical world to the rhythms of lapping tides.

Kilnbrick and Klinker sail the ocean waters around the Cove of Kings on their little boat Luluna who was fashioned from the driftwood of an enchanted tree. Winsome wizened Luluna guides them and navigates Kilnbrick and Klinker along the River Fore to the green inland world of marshes and trees to visit their friends the woodland and boggy elves.

Kilnbrick and Klinker are seacost elves, they are riverside elves, coastal folk who exist in the in-between world where the River Fore becomes the sea. This is an estuary at river’s mouth, the Ecotone of Weymouth in the land known as Wessagussett.

The Parcel of North lies in this special place, a place of transition, of fantastical change, where the salt water transforms to fresh water, where solid ground becomes soggy and slips into the watery realm. This is a place were rigid distinctions become diluted and dispel like blurry dreams in awakening moments, where this is that, and the truth that all is connected is revealed.

The brackish tides of the Ecotone are neither nor, either or. This is where worlds blur, where the liquid imagical realm and the seemingly solid world of people are overlapping, generating creative possibilities like the waves who endlessly reshape the shore. This is a place of change where the powerful reverberations of the ocean softens and dissipates, absorbed by the land, where the water’s way narrows and calms. Energy flows, water sheds in an endless confluence of fluidity between what is perceived to be the real and the imagical, what lies in mind, in wait to be created, birthed into the existence.

In the center of The Parcel of North lies the Meadow of Peace where Kilnbrick and Klinker sit under the orange flowers of the milkweed. Tall grass, young sapling trees and the flora of sweet pea’s purple hued bouquets all grow and bloom here in the thicket that surround the little elf house. The Meadow of Peace is where Kilnbrink and Klinker would do there imagical thinking. They consort with the many creatures who they live among. They help the bunny and mouse families tend their young, teaching of the imagical ways.

The striped caterpillars are very grateful to the twin elves when the time comes to undergo their transformation. Klinbrick and Klinker would take turns carefully watching over the caterpillars as they entered their delicate chrysalis and emerge as beautiful orange butterflies. Like the chrysalis, The Parcel of North is a place of transformational energy, of movement that can spring forth new life, ideas and creativity. But the place of metamorphosis is always a vulnerable one, a fragile magical place that must be protected.

Kilnbrick and Klinker also have endured many hardships here and once again their home is threatened. The Parcel of North’s beauty attracts all kinds of energy both the positive and the negative. It was not too long ago that their little house was destroyed, once again. The Parcel of North was cleared and the Meadow of Peace, where the butterflies once flew cut down. Great digging machines scored the thicket and chewed up the land. The saplings fell, the milkweed gone and all the creatures who lived there had to flee and find new homes.

When the meadow was gone and just the bare ground remained a giant mechanical beast was deposited on the parcel. The name of the mechanical beast is the Compressorator but it has never been seen. All Kilnbrick and Klinker could see was the huge blue box in which the Compressorator was contained being lifted by a yellow crane and placed where their tiny house once stood. A huge red brick temple was constructed around the blue box to confine the Compressorator and keep it locked up so no one got too close, for it is very dangerous.

The Compressorator is very mysterious and it lies still for now. It sleeps and waits for the time very soon when its power will be awakened and harnessed. Not much is known about the Compressorator for Kilnbrick and Klinker have not dared to try and peek into the great red brick temple. But Kilnbrick and Klinker have heard the Compressorator as it stirs inside, screaming as if caught in a nightmare, a high pitch squeal that hurts their pointy ears. It hisses and belches out an odorous poison yellow gas that smells like rotten eggs and makes it hard to breath.

The Compressorator is dormant now but soon it will be activated, it’s destructive power is due to be unleashed in very short time. It is a mighty mechanical monster that harms all life especially if it decides to explode in a massive fireball that could destroy The Parcel of North. And this is not the only beast of it kind, there are many Compressorators in this world all connected by a underground network that cuts a path of destruction throughout our world.

So, the call goes out to all elves and elf helpers to make their presence known at the Parcel of North and stand up to the beast Compressorator. For this is the beginning of an elf and people alliance in the great battle to stop the Compressorator from destroying our worlds. Kilnbrink and Klinker are asking people to tap into the power of their imagical creativity and create more elves to stand at the site of the Compressorator, to watch and hold ground. Let it be known that The Parcel of North, the Ecotone of Weymouth in the land of Wessagussett is home to all kinds of life.

This is a story that is still being written, a story that you can step into if you choose to enter the realm of the imagical. People can use their powers to bring an elf into this world that will stand with the other elves for The Elf Gathering at The Parcel of North to tell the Compressorator NO!

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